The Council's Standing Orders are the written rules of a local council. Standing orders are essential to regulate the proceedings of a meeting. A council may also use standing orders to confirm or refer to various internal organisational and administrative arrangements. The standing orders of a council are not the same as the policies of a council but standing orders may refer to them.
To download a copy of the latest Standing Orders applicable to Thurston, reviewed in February 2025, please use this link>>
The Policies & Procedures, Protocols and Terms of Reference that have been adopted by Thurston Parish Council are available below for you to download and read:
Terms of Reference for Parish Council Committees:
Policy & Resources Committee |
Council's Protocols:
Thurston Parish Council supports the principles of openness and transparency. In accordance with the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations of 2014 it allows filming, recording and taking photographs at its meetings that are open to the public. It also allows the use of social networking websites (such as Twitter and Facebook) and blogging to communicate with people about what is happening, as it happens.
To view the relevant documents associated with this please click on any of the below links:-
Policies & Procedures: common to Councillors and Staff:
Forms for completion:
Form for potential Councillors | Councillor Dispensation Form |
Small Grant Application Form | Neighbourhood CIL Application Form |
Playground Accident Form | Form for Dispensation Requests by Councillors |
Policies relevant for Staff Members only: