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Councillor Details

For details of the current compliment of Parish Councillors please see the table below:

  Title Name Email Address Committee Membership
Photo of Councillor Christopher Dashper Chair Christopher Dashper chris@thurstonparishcouncil.uk

Policy & Resources Committee (Chair)

Planning Committee (Chair)


Substitute for:

Leisure & Environment Committee

Recreation Ground Charity Trust Committee

BR 2024 Vice-Chair Bryan Rainbow bryan@thurstonparishcouncil.uk

Policy & Resources Committee

Planning Committee

Emergency Plan Committee (Chari)

Recreatin Ground Charity Trust Committee

GB 2024 Councillor Graham Balaam graham@thurstonparishcouncil.uk

Policy & Resources Committee

Planning Committee


Substitute for:

Leisure & Environment Committee

Recreation Ground Charity Trust Committee

Photo of Councillor Liz Bond

Councillor Elizabeth Bond liz@thurstonparishcouncil.uk

Policy & Resources Committee

Emergency Plan Committee

Leisure & Environment Committee

Recreation Ground Charity Trust Committee




Councillor Stephen Gerrish stephen@thurstonparishcouncil.uk

Leisure & Environment Committee

Recreation Ground Charity Trust Committee

Photo of Councillor Barbara Morris Councillor Barbara Morris barbara@thurstonparishcouncil.uk

Emergency Plan Committee

Leisure & Environment Committee

Recreation Ground Charity Trust Committee

Photo of Councillor Michael Moy Councillor Michael Moy michael@thurstonparishcouncil.uk

Policy & Resources Committee

Emergency Plan Committee

Leisure & Environment Committee

Recreation Ground Charity Trust Committee

 Photo of Councillor Philip Smith Councillor Philip Smith  phil@thurstonparishcouncil.uk

Planning Committee

Leisure & Environment Committee

Recreation Ground Charity Trust Committee


Substitute for:

Emergency Plan Committee

 Photo of Councillor Julian West Councillor Julian West julian@thurstonparishcouncil.uk

Policy & Resources Committee

Planning Committee

Emergency Plan Committee

Recreation Ground Charity Trust Committee


For details of the Groups upon which serving councillors sit, please see the table below:


Councillor or Parish Council appointed representative

Friends of Thurston Library Committee Councillor  Rainbow & Vacancy (2)
Cavendish Hall Representative Councillor Morris
New Green Community Trust Representative Councillor Bond, West & Vacancy (2)
SALC Representative All Councillors invited to attend SALC Area Forums

Emergency Plan Initiators

Parish Clerk in conjunction with Parish Chair