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Roles & Responsibilities of the Parish Council

Roles undertaken by Councillors - 2024 as approved at the Annual Council Meeting on 1 May 2024. 

Effective September 2024, until further notice, all committees, with the exception of the Policy and Resources Committee, will be stood down and all matters covered by council's committees will be dealt with at full council meetings.

Chair of the Parish Council Councillor Christopher Dashper
Vice- Chair of the Parish Council Councillor Bryan Rainbow
Policy and Resources Committe Councillors Balaam, Bond, Dashper (Chair), Moy, Rainbow and West


The play equipment installed and managed by the council and sited at both the New Green Centre and Heath Road is monitored by individual councillors with necessary matters considered by full council.


As the Parish Council is the Corporate (Sole) Trustee for Thurston Recreation Ground, the following Councillors have been appointed to the Recreation Ground Trust Committee to manage the playing field and pavilion at Church Road. Councillors Rainbow (Chair); Bond; Gerrish; Morris and West (Vacancy) are the parish council appointed members of the committee which acts in accordance with Charity Law.

Substitute members are: Cllrs. Balaam and Dashper.


All Councillors are invited to attend the quartertly meetings of the Suffolk Association of Local Councils.
Councillor Rainbow sits on the Friends of Thurston Library Group.
Councillor Morris represents the Parish Council on the Cavendish Hall Trust.  
Councillors Rainbow and West are the Council's Internal Audit Control Officers and carry out quarterly reviews of the system of internal control.
Councillors Balaam, Dashper, Morris and West are the Parish Council's authorised signatories.
Mrs Lucy Robison-Smith is the Parish Council appointed Tree Warden assisted by Councillor Morris.
Councillor Morris is the Parish Council appointed Footpath Warden. The post of Assistant Footpath Warden is currently vacant.
Mrs Jannette Service & Mrs Irene Churchus are the Parish Council appointed Thurston Relief in Need Charity Representatives.
The position of Local Recorder for Thurston is currently vacant.


Delegated Powers

Powers delegated to the Clerk  Powers delegated under Thurston's Dispensation Policy


Terms of Reference for Council's Standing Committees are now contained within one document

Thurston's Standing Committee's Terms of Reference