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Biodiversity of the village


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After a climate emergency was declared in 2019 by Suffolk County Council, Thurston Parish Council set up an awareness group to look at what the village could do to help tackle the climate crisis and to preserve the environment.  The aim is to share eco ideas, raise awareness and look at the small, everyday things that can be done to help save the planet.

The objectives of the Parish Council are:

  • Raise awareness of the climate crisis and environmental matters within the community.
  • Actively engage the community in activities to mitigate damage to the environment and to address the climate crisis.
  • Monitor and coordinate the environmental performance of the organisation.
  • Conduct periodic environmental reviews and self evaluation of its compliance with the environmental policy.
  • Prepare, implement and monitor action plans to improve performance.
  • Report these findings to the community.
  • Support and encourage contractors, suppliers and other associates to minimise their impact on the environment through the communication of its environmental policy and strategic purchasing and contract policies.
  • Actively seek to influence others to adopt environmental policies and good environmental management.
  • Actively seek the purchase of materials and the appointment of local contractors whenever such skills and materials exist locally.