Home > Thurston Neighbourhood Plan > Site Assessment of Sites for Development > Criteria to be used in assessing sites submitted

Criteria to be used in assessing sites submitted

The sites that have come forward under the Expression of Interest for Sites to be Developed in Thurston are still to be assessed.

The criteria that will be used relates to national planning requirements, local plan requirements and physical factors such as access, flood risk etc. They also relate back to the Sustainability Objectives underpinning Thurston's Neighbourhood Plan.

To view the sustainability objectives please see the folder to the left (or click here).  To view the Site Assessment Criteria that makes reference to national and local planning requirement please also view the folder to the left (or click here).

The sites assessment process will be used to:

1. eliminate those sites/parcels of land which would not meet suitability criteria and therefore could not be considered to be sustainable allocations in the Neighbourhood Plan

2. identify a set of potential sites which meet the aspirations of the Neighbourhood Plan and community engagement will help the process of determining which sites are most suitable for allocation in the NP

In order to assist with the identification of preferred sites, and ensuring these meet most closely the aspirations of the community, the community of Thurston will be invited to weight certain criteria in terms of Landscape; Identity of the village and Local Distinctiveness; Accessibility to Key Services and Healthy Lifestyle.

At the Public Meeting on 17th March 2016 in the New Green Centre, members of the public were asked to look at a number of criteria and weight them to signify the importance of each statement. A traffic light system was used.

For ease, under this current consultation, members of the public will be asked to weight each criteria along the following lines:

  1. This criteria is VITAL
  2. This criteria is DESIRABLE
  3. This criteria is UNIMPORTANT

For those members of the public who were not able to attend the meeting or who wished for more time to consider these questions, the consultation on the criteria which is of particular relevance to Thurston and will also be used in the assessment of these sites will commence on 5th April and finish on 19th April 2016.

All responses to the questions on the criteria which is of particular relevant to Thurston, as per the file to the left (please indicate the Criteria Number to which you are referring) should be submitted to the Clerk to the Parish Council


via email: thurstonnpsg@hotmail.com click here for the link


via post: Thurston Parish Council, New Green Centre, Thurston, IP31 3TG


in person at the Parish Council Office during opening hours on Tuesdays or Fridays.