The Cavendish Hall
Church Road
Bury St. Edmunds
IP31 3RU
The Cavendish Hall has a regulated Entertainments Licence. It is NOT licensed to sell alcohol or to hold sporting events. However it is easy to obtain a temporary one at relatively low cost. Speak to our booking secretary about it.
The booking secretary and key holder is Hayley Pollard, you can contact her by email
The Cavendish Hall was Thurston’s first village hall and is used by village clubs and organisations for young and old. It is available for hire at competitive rates. There is good availability during the daytime and at weekends.
The land and hall was paid for by Lady Cavendish as a memorial to her young husband who was lost with the Titanic after she survived the tragedy. She had planned to move into Thurston but never did after the tragedy.
There is a tastefully decorated hall, small meeting room, modern kitchen and toilets to hire all of which are wheelchair accessible. A new kitchen has recently been installed.
Who's who / Contact us
Booking secretary/ key holder | Hayley Pollard | |
Emergency key holder | Lynn Moss | 01359 232645 |
Chair | Vacant | |
Secretary | Vacant | |
Treasurer | Steve Taylor | 01359 230209 |