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Accessible Transport


Bookable Taxi-Bus service from Thurston to Bury St Edmunds and back - every Wednesday and Saturday. 

Leaves from New Green Centre at 10.05am and returns to New Green Centre leaving Angel HIll, Bury St Edmunds at 1.30pm. Return fare £4.00.

Bookable service: 01359 244134 or clerk@elmswell.suffolk.gov.uk between 8.00am and 4.00pm weekdays. Journeys need to be booked in advance.


Rural Connect Stowmarket

Rural Connect - bus service provided by Communities Together East Anglia (CTEA) from Monday 4th November 2024. It is funded by Mid Suffolk District Council, targeting specific villages that would benefit from another transport solution.  They are offering a door-to-door style service, in a new fully accessible, electric London style taxi. The fares are based on mileage bands, details below, and are taken on Tap & Go card machines.  They also accept travel vouchers, but not bus passes. They, as a charity are committed to reducing loneliness and isolation across the county, and this service gives people the opportunity to get out and about, connect with the wider community in our fully accessible electric vehicle. To view details of the route please use this link for a larger version of the poster.


1 to 4 miles - £ 3.00

5 to 7 miles - £ 4.50

8 to 10 miles - £ 6.50

11 to 13 miles - £8.00

14 to 16 miles - £10.00

17 to 20 miles - £ 12.00


Connecting Communities is for people travelling around Suffolk that do not have access to a regular bus or train service.


It can be used for social, appointments, study, shopping or work. You can book multiple return journeys in advance.

For more information or to book a jounrey please call one of their helpful team on 01638 664304 and they will do the rest for you. 

For more information, click here


Suffolk Car share

Suffolk Car Share. 

Free to join, car sharing is a great way to save money and reduce pollution and congestion. 

The Suffolk Liftshare scheme provides a matching service for all those who live, work and travel in and around Suffolk.

This service helps people who struggle to use other means of sustainable transport. The website matches up potential partners as driver and passenger. Once matched, you can choose to journey share as little or as often as you like.

Visit: Suffolkcarshare.com community - part of the Liftshare network


 The Way To Go Suffolk Logo copy3

Active Travel options.  Can active travel form part of your journey?  It is considered suitable, for those who can, to walk journeys less than 2km in distance and cycle journeys less than 5km long.  Being physically active is a key part of maintain a healthy lifestyle.  It is beneficial for both our physical and mental well-being.  It can also help to prevent and manage over 20 chronic conditions and diseases.

For a copy of cycle maps in Suffolk go to: Cycling – The Way To Go Suffolk

For a copy of walking routes in Suffolk go to: Walking – The Way To Go Suffolk