Become a Station Adopter

Do you wish to become a Station Adoptor?

The ‘Adopt a Station’ scheme enables individuals or groups to adopt their local railway station and contribute to its use and welfare. 

Thurston is currently the only station in the region that doesn't have any adopters.

The voluntary scheme, which started in 2003, was originally created to improve lines of communication between the train operator and station users. However, over the years it has grown to become much more, with station adopters now playing an active role in keeping stations looking good through inventive gardening projects, creative community art projects, taking part in station ‘health checks’ or being the eyes and ears of their station.

Adopters have been an integral part of raising money for projects such as improved waiting facilities or planting beautiful station gardens.

Volunteers come from all walks of life and come either as a group or as individuals, but one thing they’ve all got in common is the idea that their station is fundamental to their community. The work they put into making the station look wonderful and the care they give is for the benefit for all who use the stations.

Greater Anglia now has over 130 adopters at almost 80 stations across the four counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex and Cambridgeshire that they serve.

For more information, see the website: