DC/20/01249 - Submisison of details under Outline Planning Permission 5070/16 - Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale in respect of Phase 2 - Erection of 104 no dwellings on land on the North Side of Norton Road, Thurston.
To view details of the document submitted for this application please visit Mid Suffolk's Planning Portal using the following link: Planning Application DC/20/01716
February 2021
The Parish Council has been asked to submit a further comment on the application for reserved matters for the next phase on land to the North of Norton Road following revised drawings submitted on 25th January 2021. The Parish Council was asked to submit a comment via a letter received on 2 February 2021. The Parish Council consdiered this application at a Planning Committee Meeting (which was open to all members of the Council and the piblic) and submitted a comment on 23rd February 2021.
Overall the Parish Council has made representations against this application requesting that it be rejected to in its current form and that the matters raised are considered further prior to permission being granted.
PC further response to DC/20/01249 |
October 2020
The Parish Council has been asked to submit a further comment on the application for reserved matters for the next pPhase on land to the North of Norton Road following revised drawings submitted iin September 2020. The Parish Council was asked to submit a comment via a letter received on 6 October 2020. As this was a signifiant application, the Council requested and was given more time to allow it to review the plans and submit a comment. An extension in time until 6 November 2020 was given to the Parish Council to allow it to submit a comment. The Parish Council consdiered this application at its meeting of 4 November and submitted a comment on 5 November 2020.
The Parish Council has now made representations against this application requesting that it be rejected to in its current form and that the matters raised are considered further prior to permission being granted.
PC further response to DC/20/01249 |
April 2020
As residents you will be aware that an application for reserved matters for the next Phase on land to the North of Norton Road was submitted in March 2020. The Parish Council was asked to submit a comment via a letter received on 27 March 2020. Due to Covid-19 a new letter was issued on 14 April 2020 allowing further time for the Parish Council to discuss this application.
The Parish Council has made representations against this application requesting that it be rejected to in its current form and that the matters raised are considered further prior to permission being granted.
The Parish Council considered this application via email circulation to Councillors with final approval of response via Video conference between Chair, Vice-Chair and Proper Officer of the Parish Council (under delegation) as per the decision taken at the Parish Council Meeting of 18 March 2020 - minute reference 5a page 2019/659.
Representations made to date:
PC Response to DC/20/01249 |