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Bloor Homes - Beyton Road

Works to Fishwick Corner junction to commence September 2024 confirms Bloor Homes

Bloor Homes has confirmed that improvements to the junction of Fishwick Corner will start in September, with initial work starting on Monday 8th July to set up the developer’s compound.

A spokesperson from Bloor Homes said: “We remain committed to providing the upgraded junction at Fishwick Corner in line with the approved planning permission as a priority, and prior to the superstructure of the new homes being built.

“We can now confirm that the anticipated start date for works to the junction is the end of September which will last approximately 14 weeks. Meanwhile, from Monday 8th July, we will be setting up our compound at the site and starting on-site infrastructure and enabling works.”

In addition, the developer also anticipates works to the Southern access in September, which will last approximately 4 weeks. Works to the Beyton Road access is not due to start until early 2025 and will last around 6 weeks, while works to Pokeriage Corner are expected to be completed prior to the 50th occupation.

Finally, Bloor Homes is also coordinating with Thurston Parish Council to ensure the works to Barton Road Roundabout take place during school holidays at a future date. These are on target to be completed prior to the 100th home occupation.

The spokesperson adds: “We are working to a schedule of works but at this point they could be subject to third party agreements and road space bookings in order to to align with any other Highways Works within the area to minimise disruption. We will keep all parties informed of any changes.”

Bloor Homes is building 210 number of new homes including 73 affordable homes at Thurston. For more information visit bloorhomes.com

Stages for the development of 210 dwellings on Beyton Road

Application: DC/20/05894

 Significant Stage Details   Date
Discharge of Conditions Condition 11 - Play Area Advanced Notification 03.11.23
Discharge of Conditions Condition 15 - Headwall Detail 08.01.24
Discharge of Conditions Condition 8 - Solar Panels 14.05.24
Discharge of Conditions Condition 4 - Pumping Station 03.05.24
Discharge of Conditions Condition 13 - Footpath/Cycleway 14.06.24
Non-material amendment Plots 80-81, 88-89 change from Forbes house type to McQueen house type 22.07.24

  Application: DC/19/03486

Significant stage                    Details                                                    Date          
Discharge of Conditions Condition 10 - Details of Highway Improvements and Mitigation 31.10.23
Discharge of Conditions Condition 11 - Estate Roads and Footpaths 31.10.23
Discharge of Conditions Condition 12 - Loading/Unloading, Manoeuvring, Parking and Cycle Storage 31.10.23
Discharge of Conditions Condition 13 - Refuse/Recycling Bins 31.10.23
Discharge of Conditions Condition 23 - Electric Car Charging 31.10.23
Discharge of Conditions Condition 26 - Lighting 17.10.23
Discharge of Conditions Condition 8 - Surface Water Drainage 02.08.23 
Discharge of Conditions Condition 15 - Tree Protection Measures 29.01.21
Discharge of Conditions Condition 28 - Archaeology - Post Investigations 21.06.21
Discharge of Conditions Condition 16 - Farmland Bird Mitigation Strategy 21.06.21
Discharge of Conditions Condition 22 - Water and Efficiency Measures  12.03.21 
Discharge of Conditions Condition 15 - Tree Protection Measures 29.01.21
Discharge of Conditions Condition 21 - Materials 18.12.23
Discharge of Conditions Condition 14 - Construction Management 18.12.23
Discharge of Conditions Condition 27 - Fire Hydrants 20.12.23
Discharge of Conditions Condition 10 - Play Area and Gym Trail 12.01.24
Discharge of Conditions Condition 24 - Landscape and Ecological Management Plan 26.01.24
Discharge of Conditions

Condition 5 - Parish Council Liaison Scheme

Condition 17 - Construction Management Statement

Discharge of Conditions

Condition 19 - Travel Plan

Condition 20 - Travel Pack

Discharge of Conditions

Condition 7 - Air Source Heath Pump Noise Attenuation

Discharge of Conditions

Condition 15  - Tree Protection Measures


 Application: DC/24/03304

Advertisement Consent

Construction of 2 No. "Coming Soon" Stack Sign V Boards and 4 No. flagpoles, (one sign located on the 

western boundary of the development, and the other on the northern boundary.

Approved 23.10.24


As part of the condition imposed at Reserve Matters, the Parish Council and Bloor Homes will commence meetings to agree the Parish Liaison Scheme which will include a cycle of monthly meetings as per Condition 5 of the decision taken. 

Condition 5 -  PARISH COUNCIL LIAISON SCHEME - Prior to commencement requirement for additional information.

Prior to commencement or site preparation whichever is the sooner:

A written Liaison Scheme shall be submitted to the local planning authority for its formal consideration and approval.

The Liaison Scheme shall include the following:

  • A written commitment from the developer to hold regular meetings [virtual or face to face] with Thurston Parish Council [or its representatives] during the entire build programme. The frequency, attendance, scope, method of recording outcomes of such meetings to be agreed - but in any event no less frequently than once a month - after discussion between the developer, the Council as local planning authority and Thurston Parish Council.
  • The purpose of such meetings is not only to provide a formal arena for the developer to keep the Parish Council informed as to progress with the build but to afford the Parish Council an opportunity to report complaints and/or complements from the Community about activity on site that may have caused issues, for the developer to then look into these matters, take such action as appropriate to resolve those issues and then report back to the Parish Council.
  • The Liaison Meetings shall be operated such as to afford the Parish Council an opportunity to provide input and feedback into such matters as playground design and open space management. and, The District Council, as local planning authority shall be required to approve the Parish Council Liaison Statement in writing via an appropriate submission of detail application by the developer, where the content is considered satisfactory. Where such a Scheme has been approved in writing by the local planning authority the restriction on commencement und this condition is then lifted.

The developer shall implement the Parish Council Liaison Scheme as agreed.

Reason: The District Council's Development Control Committee welcomed the extensive degree to which the applicant had involved the local community in consultation and wishes this continue during the lifetime of the build. It is also conscious in some cases major development activity elsewhere in the District, including Thurston itself, has on occasion generated complaints of undue disturbance, congestion, mud on the road and more from local residents. Such complaints have at times also generated enforcement investigations which have exposed potential breaches of condition. Experience within the District has shown that sites being operated by developers that engage in regular dialogue during 'the build' with the relevant Parish Council/s tend to generate fewer serious complaints from residents as the liaison builds a better working relationship between those undertaking approved development and established communities around a site and assists in identifying possible conflict points earlier than otherwise might occur. This often affords the opportunity to identify and deliver solutions that avoid serious and avoidable tension within the community.

It is expected that the Liaison Meetings will commence in the Autumn of 2023.

DC/20/05894 Proposal: Submission of Details (Reserved Matters) for Outline Planning Permission DC/19/03486. Layout, Scale, Appearance and Landscaping to be considered for the construction of 210no dwellings, public open space, play area, sustainable drainage features and associated infrastructure including foul sewerage pumping station on Land South West Of, Beyton Road was approved by the Local Planning Authority on 6 March 2023. The Parish Council attended the meeting and whilst it supported the reserved mattes application, it spoke over issues relating to road safety and in particular the safe passage of cyclists in the vicinity of the application site and manage to secure a 3 metre wide footway / cycleway around the entire perimeter of the site.

A copy of the reserve matters planning permission can be found using this link

DC/19/03486 Outline Planning Permission (some matters reserved - access to be considered ) - Erection of up to 210 dwellings, means of access, open space and associated infrastructure, including junction improvements (with all proposed development located within Mid Suffolk District, with the exception of proposed improvements to Fishwick Corner being within West Suffolk) on land South West Of, Beyton Road, Thurston, Suffolk

A copy of the outline planning permission can be found using this link

For details of the legal case associated with this case please view here to be redirected.