Local hospital plans need you! Help to shape future plans of West Suffolk Hospital
As the plans for a new hospital for West Suffolk get underway it is important that as many people are involved in developing the proposals as possible.
The vision for the West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (WSFT) project is to ensure the way that health services are delivered is fit for the local population’s current and future needs and the team need your help to do that. The new facility is for West Suffolk people and is to be designed by West Suffolk people.
The project team are establishing a Co-production Community Engagement Group (CCEG) which will help shape the public engagement around the hospital redevelopment.
WSFT are looking for community members who have an interest in hospital services which will add an additional dimension to the redevelopment proposals.
The work will get increasingly detailed as the project progresses over the next couple of years and there will be many aspects where the team will benefit from the input of members from the CCEG.
The group will meet on a monthly basis and, due to the current climate, these meetings will be hosted on Microsoft Teams. It is important that there is a good representation across the group at each meeting and the opportunity to attend will be offered to as many people as possible who apply.
If you would like to join the CCEG or to find out more information, please visit the website at https://www.wsh.nhs.uk/New-healthcare-facility/Get-involved.aspx and complete and expression of interest form.
You can register for the dedicated newsletter to keep abreast of developments and opportunities by emailing futuresystemprogramme@wsh.nhs.uk.
More information about the development and plans can be seen on the following webpage at https://www.wsh.nhs.uk/new-healthcare-facility.
Alternatively, for those who do not have internet access, please write to register your interest in receiving the newsletter via the post at the following address;
Future System Programme,
2nd Floor Quince House,
West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust,
Hardwick Lane,
Bury St Edmunds
IP33 2QZ
To view the Community Engagement Poster please use this link