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Highway Mitigation Measures in Thurston

10 October 2024

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Update received from Suffolk County Council relating to the various works planned fro Thurston and the status of the works.

As can be seen from the table below, while there are a number of interventions planned, these are mostly to be delivered by developers with Suffolk County Council responsible for approving the drawings and inspecting the construction before adoption.  The three schemes that Suffolk County Council will be delivering through the outstanding s106 funding only relates to Bunbury Arms junction and the Public Rights of Way Improvements. 

Given the complex nature of co-ordinating works, the expected delivery dates are the best estimate at this stage and, as with any construction, will be subject to change to take into account any unforeseen circumstances, for example, weather.

Thurston Highway Improvements – Current Status - October 2024


Responsible Party for Delivery



Expected Delivery

Norton Road – Zebra Crossings

Suffolk County Council


All completed


Speed Limit Extensions – Various across village

Suffolk County Council


All completed


Fishwick Corner


Developer – S278

Works currently being carried out on site

Completion mid-November 2024

Pokeriage Corner


Developer – S278

Technical Approval given – waiting on signed legal agreement

Programmed to start on Spring 2025

Bunbury Arms Junction

Suffolk County Council


In design stage.

2025/2026 financial year

Railway underbridge Between Barton Road and Beyton Road



Creation of mini roundabout at Beyton Road junction and pedestrian improvements on existing footway.  Drawings have been approved – waiting on signed agreement.  Works to be co-ordinated with others on the network.

Expected Summer 2025.

Public Rights of Way Improvements – adjacent to Mount Road

Developer and Suffolk County Council

Developer - S38/S278 and SCC S106

Two elements, cycleway and bridleway creation.

Developer responsible for delivery, with SCC undertaking creation order.

Works yet to commence, funding expiry 2033

Works not programmed.  Expected 2025/2026

Fishwick Corner junction to rail bridge – improved surface link for pedestrians and cyclists

Suffolk County Council


Works to be designed and programmed

Summer 2026

Norton Road/Ixworth Road Junction Improvements


Developer – S278

S278 as part of the Land East of Ixworth Road, Thurston – at present, liaising with the developer’s consultants on the detailed design

Reserved Matters still in Planning so currently unknown

The Railway Platform Accessibility

Network Rail


CIL funding to identify improvements to cross-platform movements. Led by MSDC supported by Suffolk County Council


Station Hill, Pedestrian Crossing


Developer – S278

Not currently identified


The railway overpass, Thedwastre Road



This location has not been flagged as requiring any improvements as a result of development, therefore no work currently being considered



Ixworth Road Surface

Suffolk County Council


This road will continue to be monitored in accordance with SCC’s Highway Maintenance Operational Plan (HMOP) and any works undertaken as required

As required

Suffolk County Council would also like to take this opportunity to highlight that SCC will be undertaking close liaison with the developers throughout the process, including during construction.  At Fishwick Corner for instance, there will be regular sweeping of the carriageway to ensure there is not a build-up of mud on the roads.  If more frequent sweeps are required, these will be undertaken in line with requirements.  This will apply for all construction sites.  Operational plans will be discussed with each site to manage construction traffic in line with any planning requirements.

They appreciate that as a result of development, traffic movement patterns will change as a result of construction. They will work with developers and the planning authority to manage issues that may arise. 

Specific queries relating to this can be raised directly with the team at Highways.DevelopmentControl@suffolk.gov.uk