Home > News > Updates of road closure - A1088 Bridge Farm Bridge, Stowlangtoft

Updates of road closure - A1088 Bridge Farm Bridge, Stowlangtoft

10 October 2024

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Suffolk Highways have asked that the following be shared regarding the replacement of a highway bridge along the A1088, Stowlangtoft.

Update 10.10.2024 - Update on our bridge reconstruction works that are in progress on the A1088 (Bridge Farm Bridge). 

In the last few weeks, the concrete piling was installed, vegetation was removed, and the existing road was excavated to enable the existing bridge to be demolished, which happened a few weeks ago.

Unfortunately, in the last few days SCC have identified some issues with the concrete piles which have been installed. They are currently investigating and discussing these issues with the company who supplied the concrete, as well as other key stakeholders, to assess the impact of these issues and determine the best course of action to resolve them. 

Works have been temporarily paused for a brief period whilst this happens. This is consequently likely to have an impact on the duration of our programme of works, although the extent of this is yet to be confirmed. 

They are writing to provide as much advanced warning of these delays as possible.  However, at this early stage, they do not yet have a confirmed revised programme which captures a new anticipated completion date.  Their teams are working through alternative solutions, each of which have different construction and design requirements resulting in varying programme durations.

Due to the nature of works, it is unfortunately not safe to reopen the road whilst works are paused, and it is essential that they continue to work proactively to ensure that the scheme is completed as soon as possible.

The advanced warning signs advising of the road closure will remain in place, and the scheme dates on these will not be amended until we receive confirmation of the revised programme.

They sincerely apologise for the delay in the bridge replacement works and are conscious of the impact this will have on local communities. Please be reassured that we are continuing to work towards a solution minimise the overall duration of the works, so that the A1088 can be re-opened as soon as it is safe to do so.


Previous updates

The works commenced on Monday 22 July 2024 and will continue until Friday 20 December 2024. During this time, the road will be closed to ensure the safety of highway users and our operatives.

For the duration of the closure, traffic will be diverted via A1088, A14, A143 and vice versa.

This is a significant project which will secure the longevity of the structure, ensuring that it is safer for all highway users.

Due to the extent of the closure, and to reduce the impact on surrounding villages, additional actions are being taken in advance of and throughout works, as follows,

Preparation of roads near to closure

Consultations have taken place with representatives from the local community, who have expressed concerns regarding local roads being used to bypass the closure, without using the official diversion route. Several major routes have been highlighted.

In order to prepare these routes for a higher volume of traffic, reactive repair and vegetation works and will be carried out prior to commencement of the closure. Suffolk Highways will inspect these routes shortly, assess the extent of required repairs and schedule these to be carried out. The routes in question can be found in ATTACHMENT A and are marked in red.

Implementation of temporary speed limits

In addition to the above, temporary advisory speed limits will be implemented on several of these routes, for the safety of local residents and as a traffic calming measure. Advisory limits can be found in ATTACHMENT A and are marked in light blue.

Extents of signage

A plan showing the diversion route for these works, along with signage which will be placed along the route, can be seen here at ATTACHMENT B .

In addition to this, significant signage will be placed on local routes. The locations of this signage can be found in ATTACHMENT C 

Queries regarding works

Updates will be communicated via email and on their social media channels, as well as being provided on their dedicated Bridge Farm Bridge webpage which can be found here: https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/roads-and-transport/lorry-management/bridge-farm-bridge-a1088-stowlangtoft-bridge-replacement

As they plan roadworks in advance, SCC schedule extra days to allow for bad weather or other delays beyond their control. If they need to make major changes to our work dates, they will update the information signs on site and their social media channels accordingly.

When they close the road and put a diversion in place, the route needs to be accessible to vehicles of all shapes and sizes. They make their diversions as clear as possible by placing appropriate signing along the route. The latest updates on our works can be found on the One.Network website.

There may be times that essential emergency works are required to take place on the highway network without advanced notice – you can follow Suffolk Highways on Twitter for the latest emergency roadwork updates.

If you have any queries on the above, please contact us on 0345 606 6171.

Suffolk Highways
