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Children & Young People

Air Cadets

863 Thurston ATC

Vector graphic of a fighter plane

Exciting and challenging outdoor activities and courses. Holds an annual recruitment evening at Thurston Community College. Supported by the RAF.

Age range: 12 - 20 yrs
More info:




Village Events Diary

Babies: Early Learning

Little Rainbows Sensory

Illustration of a rainbow and clouds 

Unique range of sensory experiences for babies. Textures, sounds, smells colours, and more. Booking recommended.  

When:  Thursday mornings
Where:  New Green Community Centre
Age range: Babies 8 weeks-old to walking
Booking: Recommended
More info: Little Rainbows website



Babies & toddlers: Thurston Childcare

Cartoon of smiling baby in yellow t-shirt and nappy

Fun, stimulating centres run by qualified and caring staff. Happy environments where your little one will thrive. Ofsted registered.

Hatchlings: 3 - 24 mths
Church Road
Fledglings: 2 - 5 yrs
Pond Fields
When: Monday to Friday 
7:30 am - 6:00 pm
50 weeks per year
Email: thurstonpreschool@yahoo.co.uk
Phone: 01359 234993

Before & After School: Zoom Club

Vector graphic of two pupils, a boy and a girl, walking hand in hand

When: 7:30 am - 8:50 am
3:20 pm - 6:00 pm
Where: Thurston CE Primary Academy
Email: thurstonpreschool@yahoo.co.uk
Phone: 01359 234993

Circus Skills

Academy of Movement

Vector graphic of circus tent

Classes and workshops for children and teenagers. Early booking advised.

When: Tuesday p.m.
Where: New Green Community Centre 
Age range: from 3 yrs 6mths
More info: Academy of Movement website

Creativity and Fun

Pint Sized Playtime

Scribble drawing of children playing

Story-led yoga, ukulele singalongs, crafting and much more. Early booking advised.  

When: Mondays p.m.
(from 12 September)
Where: New Green Community Centre
Ages: 2 - 5 yrs
Email: nicki@pintsizedplaytime.co.uk
Phone: 07931 555223
More info: Facebook


Ellis Anais

Cartoon of a girl performing a ballet pose

Classes for primary-school-aged children.  Early booked advised. 

Where: Thurston CE Primary Academy
Email: ellieanaisdance@gmail.com
Phone: Ellie 07415127619
More info: Ellie Anais website


Thurston Football Club

Picture of a black and white football

Friendly, well run club for all ages. Always on the lookout for new players. Our juniors play at Thurston Community College. 


Phone: Richard Miles (Youth team) 07738 153422
More info: Club website


Fun and exciting challenges and opportunities for girls. Please register your daughter before attending for the first time. A waiting list may be in operation.

To register online, please go to Girlguiding

We would also be delighted to hear from any adults who would like to join us as a volunteer and have a number of roles available for adults.

Tostock Rainbows

When: Wednesday 17.15 to 18.15 (term time only)
Where: Tostock Village Hall
Age range: 4 - 7 yrs
Email:  1sttostockrainbows@gmail.com 
More info:  Girlguiding website

2nd Thurston Brownies

When: Wednesdays 18.00 to 19.30 (term time only)
Where:  Cavendish Hall
Age range: 7 - 10 yrs
Email: ThurstonBrownies@outlook.com
More info: Girlguiding website

1st Thedwastre Guides

When: Monday 18.30 to 20.30 (term time only)
Where: Tostock Village Hall
Age range: 10 - 14 years
Email: ThedwastreGuides@outlook.com 
More info: Guides (10-14) Girlguiding


Horse Riding

Thurston & District Riding Club

Photo of girl riding a horse

Based in Tostock Old Hall Livery Yard. Welcomes all ages & abilities. Family membership available. 

More info:  Riding Club website

Imaginative Play & Role Play

Little City

Cartoon depicting children dressed as a nurse and a doctor

Pop-up town designed for toddlers. Opportunities for dressing up, imaginative play and role play.  

When: 3rd Tuesday of the month (usually)
Where: New Green Community Centre
Age range: 0 - 4 yrs
More info: Little City website


Lego Club

 Picture of an otter made of lego bricks taken at the London Wetland Centre

Come and join in the fun. The perfect way to keep your children entertained until it's time for Sunday lunch! 

When: Sunday a.m.
Where: Thurston Library
Age range: 3+
Phone: Library 01359 235048
More info: village events diary

Martial Arts

Martial art belt

Martial arts skills taught in a fun and informative way.


Tuesdays and Wednesdays 6.00pm to 7.00pm

Friday 7.30pm

Where:  Pakenham Village Hall 
Age range:  4 +
Bookings & enquiries: 07415 770775

Paul and Naomi

(KSN's second degreee black belts

Facebook: Minotaur Martial Arts and Fitness Bury St Edmunds
More info: village events diary


Baby Bounce

Photograph of mother and baby

Songs and nursery rhymes, featuring mascot Oona the Owl.

When:  Wednesday a.m.
Where:  Thurston Library
Age range: 0 - 4 yrs
Bookings & enquiries: 01359 235048
More info: village events diary

Moo Music

Cartoon of a Friesian cow

Moosical fun for your little ones. Singing, creative role play and instrument work, all set to original Moo Music Songs. Early booking advised.

When: Monday p.m.
Where: Cavendish Hall
Age range: Baby Moo: 0 - 18 mths

Mixed Moo: 6 mths - 4 yrs
More info: Moo Music website


1st Thurston Scout Group

Stick figures toasting marshmallows over a camp fire

Outdoor activities and team-building for girls and boys aged 6 - 16.  Please let Melanie Johnson (Group Scout Leader) know before your child attends for the first time. A waiting list may be in operation. 

Beavers: Monday eve
Cubs & Scouts: Tuesday eve
Where: Cavendish Hall
Email: groupscoutleader@1stthurstonscouts.org
Phone: Melanie Johnson
01359 233039
07498 648071
More info: Scouting website

Soft Play

Coffee & Play

Vector graphic of children playing

Have a cuppa and relax while your little ones roam around a safe and secure soft play area. Limited places. Hosted by Bury Soft Play. 

When: Fridays (various times)
Where: New Green Community Centre
Age range: 0 - 4 yrs
More info: Bury Soft Play website

Teenagers: After School Club

Chat 'n' Chill Tuesdays

Vector graphic of teens sitting round a table

Hang out in the library after school, do homework or chat to friends. Spaces for 8 people. Attendees must sign in and sign out at the staff desk. 

When: Tuesday p.m. (term-time only)
Where: Thurston Library
Age range: 11 - 16 yrs
Cost: Free


Toddler Group

Tiny Toes Thurston

Picture of four cartoon children holding up letters spelling out the word 'play'

'Stay and play' fun for tots and tinies. Friendly and informal. Wide selection of toys, baby corner, craft activities and singalong session. First week free!

When: Thursday a.m. (term-time only)
Where: Cavendish Hall
Age range: 0 - 4 yrs
Phone: Kayleigh 07917 892730
More info: village events diary
(all images on this page courtesy of Pixabay.com)