Update August 2017


As previously reported, the Mid Suffolk Plannings Referral Committee took place on 12th July 2017 at which the 5 significant (6 if the appeal for non-determination is included) planning applications that have been submitted to Mid Suffolk District Council for development in Thurston over the last 10 months were discussed.

A robust defence in preference of growth that was both sympathetic and in-keeping with the village was put forward by the Parish Council and Neighbourhood Plan Team and Thurston's District Councillors Derrick Haley and Esther Jewson, but  the Development Committee democratically took the decision that they were "minded to approve" a number of applications for 689 houses and "minded to refuse" one application for 138 homes (full details as shown at the bottom of this article). As such the village is expected to grow from around 1340 homes to over 2020 (an increase of around 52%). 

Generally the minded to  decisions will be reported back to the Planning Referrals Committee subject to further investigation on the following matters:

  1. highways matters and solutions
  2. railway station safety issues
  3. material considerations requiring further information and proposed conditions

Further issues covering funding of highway works by Suffolk County Council  for areas that are already critical; clarification of CIL and other benefits; cumulative ecological and land quality issues should also be reported back to the committee at the same time.

Summary of minded to decisions:

2797/16 – outline planning application (with all matters other than means of access reserved) for residential development of up to 175 dwellings with associated car parking, landscaping, public open space areas, allotments and vehicular access from Sandpit Lane and Norton Road @ land to the South of Norton Road, Norton – Committee was minded to approve

5010/16 – appeal submitted by Hopkins Homes against Outline Planning Application (with all matters other than means of access reserved) for residential development of up to 175 dwellings with associated car parking, landscaping, public open space areas, allotments and vehicular access from Sandpit Lane (duplicate to application 2797/16) @ land to the south of Norton Road, Thurston  - Committee was minded to inform the Planning Inspectorate that subject to9 a number of conditions it would have been minded to grant planning permission

4386/16 – application for the erection of 138 dwellings. Construction of new vehicle access and provision of cycle/pedestrian link to Barton Road. Provision of road and drainage infrastructure, landscaping and open space @ land on the west side of Barton Road - Committee was minded to refuse

4942/16 – application for residential development consisting of 64 dwellings and associated highway, car parking and public open space @ land at Meadow Lane, Thurston - to consider the Planning Officer’s Report to be submitted to Mid Suffolk District Council’s Development Referrals Committee on 28th June 2017 – Committee was minded to approve

4963/16 – Outline Planning Application sought for up to 250 new dwellings, open space and associated infrastructure, up to 2.4Ha of land for Thurston Community College, 2Ha of land for the provision of a new Primary School, including details of access on land west of Ixworth Road. - Land west of Ixworth Road – Committee was minded to approve

5070/16 – outline planning application for the erection of up to 200 homes (including 9 self-build plots), primary school site together with associated access, infrastructure, landscaping and amenity space (all matters reserved except for access) @ land at Norton Road – Committee was minded to approve